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$25,000 in Tenant Improvements for an Investment Property


Dr. Albert Z. reached out to us seeking a short-term loan to help cover remodeling expenses for an investment property.  The doctor’s credit had taken a hit due to a reduction in patients after the onset of Covid, so he was having a hard time securing an approval before coming across our email.  With little more than a one-page application, we were ultimately able to get the doctor approved and funded in time to beat his deadline to finish the remodeling project.



Our mission has always been to provide Hassle-Free Financing for our clients.

We provide funding for Dental and Medical professionals to help meet a variety of needs, including:

  • Working Capital
  • Equipment Finance
  • Practice Acquisition
  • Practice Expansion
  • Personal Debt Consolidation
  • Cash Flow to Meet Payroll, Marketing, and Other Overhead Demands
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